Sunday, 14 July 2013

Soca vs Dancehall July 2013 Review

Soca vs Dancehall!!!! WHYYY did I wait so long to attend this party tho.... #sigh
My own review of this fete is the above and -------> Muuuuuuuuuuuuuuusic!!!!! <3<3<3

Since that isn't much of a review Shamar Stabby Nash of  I Am Soca wrote a real one. Check it out

Where do I begin? Well this review would've been up earlier if not for the hangover I was nursing so that should tell you they definitely did one thing really right but enough bush beating lets get into it.

The first thing I noticed stepping in is the amazing atmosphere of the party, this was due in part to the venue itself being pretty grand itself, that plus all the work put in to decorate it made for superior setting. The hardwood dancefloor in center was flanked by conveniently located bars. There was a nice looking lounge area in the back but I didn't see much of that because I was there to fete. So the dancefloor coupled with the grassy areas surrounding it gave plenty of room to get on bad.two main bars were rather large and the service was adequate

On to what SvD is famous for: Driiiiiinnnnkkksssssss. The two main bars were rather large and the service was adequate, the waiting period was like your typical party so I can't complain about that. They had a variety of alcohol that would make any drinker's liver jump for joy: Rum, Baileys, every vodka flavour under the sun and of course the main sponsor Johnny Walker was in full supply. There was also chasers to choose from, including coconut water which I appreciated. The cotton candy was a nice touch, the spiked snow cones however were better in theory.

Now for what is most me anyway: Music. The mixture of Soca and Dancehall worked pretty well for the most part, the transitions between genres was always smooth. The ratio was 40% Soca : 40% Dancehall : 20% etc. My only complaint was that while there I only heard 1 power soca segment which as a soca lover was disappointing. Also there wasn't much variety in Soca played, so there were a couple songs that got repeated a few times. The dancehall had a good variety to it: wining, dancing, oldies and general party dancehall were played with "badman tunes" absent as they should be.

You could tell this was an "uptown" party so there were a lot of women dressed to impress, probably there were men dressed up too but if you saw how these girls were dressed you would understand why I didn't notice. Now note I didn't say stuck up everyone was all for wukking up and brukking out.

So overall Soca vs Dancehall was a rousing success I definitely enjoyed it and hope to return to future stagings.

Me too Stabby! #willnevermissanother

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