Monday, 18 March 2013

UWI Road March 2013 Review

My first guest post!!! I'm waay to excited for this but whatever. As I am no longer an "independent reveler" I decided to make this review a guest post because I wanted to be 100% fair and seem unbiased.

Remember to like I'z A Bacchanalist on Facebook and follow on Twitter for up to date info. I'm finding less and less time to write full posts :(

Now to the guest post courtesy of Stabby and D'Bandit \☺/--->

Greetings Bacchanalist Readers, Shamar and Najah aka Stabby n D'Bandit here, doing a Guest Post for I'z A Bacchanalist, telling you what really went down at UWI Carnival Road March 2013.

Overall I'd like to say we had a good time and enjoyed ourselves to the fullest but there were a number of issues that could have made the day a lot better for everyone and we'll start with those before we get into what was good about it. *Spoiler Alert: Island Mas*

Lets start at the beginning which seemed to take forever to come, It started somewhere around 2-2:30 which for party that's supposed to start 12 is unacceptable. The crowd woke up long time but we had nowhere to go.

While driving on to the campus we noticed only 2 trucks and started to wonder "is this really it".... turns out it wasn't, because there was like 1 or 2 more. This still wasn't enough for the amount of bands that surfaced this year and of course the amount of people in each of these bands and trust me there was a lot.


So out of the 3 or 4 trucks that were there only one was playing Soca for most of the day and as you can guess it was the Island Mas truck. Now I have no problem with Dancehall it is a part of our culture but this is Carnival, UWI Carnival, the first ever Carnival to be staged in Jamaica brought here to make visiting students not feel so homesick. So it should be understood that Soca should always be the primary music played. Forgive me I got a little carried away for a second. Now the DJs weren't to be blamed...well at least some. Reports are that some DJs were being told what to play by 'management' *cough cough*. The Island Mas Truck however managed to keep a good Soca vibe going throughout the day, mixing up the newest songs with the classics we all know, never falling victim to the dreaded overplaying of songs. Even though for a second I thought the Island Mas truck was going to give in to the Dancehall pressure but thankfully they fought the good fight. This refers to the one Dancehall segment Island Mas played which is what's expected, it wasn't 'perfect' however as a few "Badman Tunes" played which personally seem out of place at a Soca event, Wine up Wine up please and thanks.

At one point of the day I felt like I was in a Civil Rights Riot because whoever was operating the Water Truck hose turned it on its most lethal setting. Now the water truck is almost a tradition at this point, trust me nothing feels better on a burning hot day than grinding on somebody being doused with water but that thing stung.

As for positive there's only one thing we can really say and that's thank God for Island Mas. Proper drinks, proper music, proper t-shirt and proper dealings overall. Not until this year did I realise how lucky we are to have our Tshirt packages fully ready the day before because as you may have heard this wasnt the case with some other bands. Not to mention Island Mas was ready with drinks and music hours before the official start time. Now it wasn't all perfect, the drinks this year left a little to be desired, they all tasted kinda bland but as far as getting us drunk they did the trick. Also drinks ran out near the end of the day, not a deal breaker but something to look into. Overall I would say this would be an A- for Island Mas and a C+ for UWI Carnival.

So this is Stabby n D'Bandit of I Am Soca, signing off hopefully we'll see you next year.

1 comment:

  1. hahahahahahaha #DEAD @ I felt like I was in a Civil Rights Riot because whoever was operating the Water Truck hose turned it on its most lethal setting.
