Soca vs Dancehall!!!! WHYYY did I wait so long to attend this party tho.... #sigh
My own review of this fete is the above and -------> Muuuuuuuuuuuuuuusic!!!!! <3<3<3
Since that isn't much of a review Shamar Stabby Nash of I Am Soca wrote a real one. Check it out
Where do I begin? Well this review would've been up earlier if not for the hangover I was nursing so that should tell you they definitely did one thing really right but enough bush beating lets get into it.
The first thing I noticed stepping in is the amazing atmosphere of the party, this was due in part to the venue itself being pretty grand itself, that plus all the work put in to decorate it made for superior setting. The hardwood dancefloor in center was flanked by conveniently located bars. There was a nice looking lounge area in the back but I didn't see much of that because I was there to fete. So the dancefloor coupled with the grassy areas surrounding it gave plenty of room to get on bad.two main bars were rather large and the service was adequate
On to what SvD is famous for: Driiiiiinnnnkkksssssss. The two main bars were rather large and the service was adequate, the waiting period was like your typical party so I can't complain about that. They had a variety of alcohol that would make any drinker's liver jump for joy: Rum, Baileys, every vodka flavour under the sun and of course the main sponsor Johnny Walker was in full supply. There was also chasers to choose from, including coconut water which I appreciated. The cotton candy was a nice touch, the spiked snow cones however were better in theory.
Now for what is most me anyway: Music. The mixture of Soca and Dancehall worked pretty well for the most part, the transitions between genres was always smooth. The ratio was 40% Soca : 40% Dancehall : 20% etc. My only complaint was that while there I only heard 1 power soca segment which as a soca lover was disappointing. Also there wasn't much variety in Soca played, so there were a couple songs that got repeated a few times. The dancehall had a good variety to it: wining, dancing, oldies and general party dancehall were played with "badman tunes" absent as they should be.
You could tell this was an "uptown" party so there were a lot of women dressed to impress, probably there were men dressed up too but if you saw how these girls were dressed you would understand why I didn't notice. Now note I didn't say stuck up everyone was all for wukking up and brukking out.
So overall Soca vs Dancehall was a rousing success I definitely enjoyed it and hope to return to future stagings.
Me too Stabby! #willnevermissanother
I'z A Bacchanalist
views, reviews, tips and tricks of a budding Mrs. Fete...
Sunday, 14 July 2013
Monday, 18 March 2013
UWI Road March 2013 Review
My first guest post!!! I'm waay to excited for this but whatever. As I am no longer an "independent reveler" I decided to make this review a guest post because I wanted to be 100% fair and seem unbiased.
Remember to like I'z A Bacchanalist on Facebook and follow on Twitter for up to date info. I'm finding less and less time to write full posts :(
Now to the guest post courtesy of Stabby and D'Bandit \☺/--->
Greetings Bacchanalist Readers, Shamar and Najah aka Stabby n D'Bandit here, doing a Guest Post for I'z A Bacchanalist, telling you what really went down at UWI Carnival Road March 2013.
Overall I'd like to say we had a good time and enjoyed ourselves to the fullest but there were a number of issues that could have made the day a lot better for everyone and we'll start with those before we get into what was good about it. *Spoiler Alert: Island Mas*
Lets start at the beginning which seemed to take forever to come, It started somewhere around 2-2:30 which for party that's supposed to start 12 is unacceptable. The crowd woke up long time but we had nowhere to go.
While driving on to the campus we noticed only 2 trucks and started to wonder "is this really it".... turns out it wasn't, because there was like 1 or 2 more. This still wasn't enough for the amount of bands that surfaced this year and of course the amount of people in each of these bands and trust me there was a lot.
So out of the 3 or 4 trucks that were there only one was playing Soca for most of the day and as you can guess it was the Island Mas truck. Now I have no problem with Dancehall it is a part of our culture but this is Carnival, UWI Carnival, the first ever Carnival to be staged in Jamaica brought here to make visiting students not feel so homesick. So it should be understood that Soca should always be the primary music played. Forgive me I got a little carried away for a second. Now the DJs weren't to be blamed...well at least some. Reports are that some DJs were being told what to play by 'management' *cough cough*. The Island Mas Truck however managed to keep a good Soca vibe going throughout the day, mixing up the newest songs with the classics we all know, never falling victim to the dreaded overplaying of songs. Even though for a second I thought the Island Mas truck was going to give in to the Dancehall pressure but thankfully they fought the good fight. This refers to the one Dancehall segment Island Mas played which is what's expected, it wasn't 'perfect' however as a few "Badman Tunes" played which personally seem out of place at a Soca event, Wine up Wine up please and thanks.
At one point of the day I felt like I was in a Civil Rights Riot because whoever was operating the Water Truck hose turned it on its most lethal setting. Now the water truck is almost a tradition at this point, trust me nothing feels better on a burning hot day than grinding on somebody being doused with water but that thing stung.
As for positive there's only one thing we can really say and that's thank God for Island Mas. Proper drinks, proper music, proper t-shirt and proper dealings overall. Not until this year did I realise how lucky we are to have our Tshirt packages fully ready the day before because as you may have heard this wasnt the case with some other bands. Not to mention Island Mas was ready with drinks and music hours before the official start time. Now it wasn't all perfect, the drinks this year left a little to be desired, they all tasted kinda bland but as far as getting us drunk they did the trick. Also drinks ran out near the end of the day, not a deal breaker but something to look into. Overall I would say this would be an A- for Island Mas and a C+ for UWI Carnival.
So this is Stabby n D'Bandit of I Am Soca, signing off hopefully we'll see you next year.
Sunday, 3 February 2013
Jamaica Soca Calendar 2013
♫When I dead, bury me in a Carnival so I can NEVA NEVA NEVA miss out d Bacchanal♫
I present to you your Soca Calendar for 2013 :) I tried my best to include parties fit for everybody....the list includes series fetes, campus parties, club parties, all inclusives, beach parties and road marches :D
For the past couple weeks I have been searching and requesting information for events this season and the list below shows what I found. I'm sure 2 seconds after I publish this post at least 3 new parties will appear but such is life..
Most promoters have not finalised/released dates and/or information for their events as yet, I will update this post as more information is being released.
NOTE: This calendar is for everyone not just those with similar tastes to mine. The inclusion of a party on this calendar does not warrant my support/attendance.
9 - Soca Sip (Taylor Hall) @ UWI Students Union9 - Soca In The City @ Pulse
13 - Soca Palooza @ Paradise Cove, Ocho Rios
13 - Socalicious: Soca Cookout Party @ Wickie Wacky Beach
15 - Bacchanal Jamaica Opening Night @ The New Mas Camp
15 - Versus (Rex Nettleford Hall) @ UWI Students Union
16 - Soca In The City @ Pulse
18 - Socacise (Bacchanal Jamaica) @ The New Mas Camp
20 - Socacise @ The New Mas Camp
22 - Bacchanal Fridays @ The New Mas Camp
23 - Islandmas Jamaica Soca Village
23 - Soca In The City @ Pulse
24 - SOS Fete @ Liguanea Club
25 - Socacise @ The New Mas Camp
27 - Socacise @ The New Mas Camp
1 - Bacchanal Fridays @ The New Mas Camp2 - Soca Feathers
2 - Soca In The City @ Pulse
4 - Socacise @ The New Mas Camp
6 - Socacise @ The New Mas Camp
8 - Bacchanal Fridays @ The New Mas Camp
9 - Passion - The Real Soca Experience @ Village Blues Bar
9 - Soca vs Dancehall @ Devonshire, Devon House
9 - Soca In The City @ Pulse
11- Socacise @ The New Mas Camp
13 - Socacise @ The New Mas Camp
14 - UWI Carnival Integration @ UWI Students Union
15- UWI Carnival Jouvert @ UWI Mona
15 - Bacchanal Fridays @ The New Mas Camp
16 - UWI Carnival Road March @ UWI Mona Ring Road [Jump with Islandmas !!]
16 - Soca In The City @ Pulse
17 - UWI Carnival Beach Party
18 - Socacise @ The New Mas Camp
20 - Socacise @ The New Mas Camp
23 - Bacchanal Saturday @ The New Mas Camp
23 - Soca In The City @ Pulse
23 - Koochie Carnival Jouvert @ Hampton Square, St. Elizabeth
30 - Beach Jouvert
30 - G-Strings - Dancehall Bacchanal (Stardust Entertainment) @ Paradise Cove, Ocho Rios
31 - Junction Carnival/Water Soaked @ Royes Plaza Junction Square
Dates TBA: Swinging Engine (Chancellor Hall), Glow Jouvert (Irvine Hall)
3 - Soca @ De Sandbar3 - I Love Soca
4 - Block-O
5 - Bacchanal Jouvert @ The New Mas Camp
6 - Sunrise Breakfast Fete (SunNation)**look out for more events from the promoters of this event
6 - Bazodee
6 - Soca In The City @ Pulse
6 - May Pen Blowout @ Mobys Family Park, May Pen
7 - Bacchanal Jamaica Road March
7 - People's Mas - Foam.Fete.Fiesta
14 - St Ann Carnival @ Richmond Jerk Centre Priory, St Ann
Info on my 2013 fete picks coming soon (Y)
Sunday, 20 January 2013
"this blogging thing...."
I would first like to say thanks to everybody who voted for me in the #JaBlogAwards I'm really humbled by the support, I didn't win but it was an honour being nominated :)
I started this blog for the people who always asked me every soca related question possible to have easy access to information and to ease the stress on myself repeating this information 10 million times. Somebody on my Twitter timeline suggested I start a blog one day after I was ranting about a fete I am today. It's rwally just something to do and knowing that people actually read my blog and look forward to my posts means a lot to me cause honestly it's just me chatting...
Not so, for others though... Last night at the Jamaica Blog Awards I realised how seriously bloggers take "this blogging thing" and I was just here having fun lol. Call me clueless but I had no idea bloggers cherished their blog as their own child and used blogging as a means of income. I'm not saying I don't take my blog seriously because I do, it was just mostly recreation for me.
I'd LOVE to find out how I could gain an income from attending fetes and giving tips and tricks for the soca season and carnival on a whole. If you have an idea lemme know ;)
Congrats to all the winners last night, it was a fun experience meeting other bloggers and seeing the passion in Jamaica for blogging. This was the third instalment of the Blog Awards and much is still needed to be done to improve the awards process and ceremony itself. This was my first time attending so I have nothing really to compare it to but from pictures of the last hosting I at least expected a stage, lighting and more than 20 chairs to be at the new venue. After the difficult process of securing tickets for the ceremony I just walked into the venue to stand for the entire ceremony? Really? I was sorry for all the ladies in their towering heels :(
It was a pleasant surprise to be nominated for a blog award in Jamaica with a 100% soca blog. It was a pleasant surprise with less than a year under my blogging belt :$. Thanks again for the nomination and the votes I'll be here with as much fete reviews and even more tips and tricks this year.
Soca Calendar 2013 coming up soon! There's A LOT this year *wipes sweat* If you want your event listed message me on Facebook Reeny Bacchanal or tweet me @ReenyStar need to make sure I have em all :)
I started this blog for the people who always asked me every soca related question possible to have easy access to information and to ease the stress on myself repeating this information 10 million times. Somebody on my Twitter timeline suggested I start a blog one day after I was ranting about a fete I am today. It's rwally just something to do and knowing that people actually read my blog and look forward to my posts means a lot to me cause honestly it's just me chatting...
Not so, for others though... Last night at the Jamaica Blog Awards I realised how seriously bloggers take "this blogging thing" and I was just here having fun lol. Call me clueless but I had no idea bloggers cherished their blog as their own child and used blogging as a means of income. I'm not saying I don't take my blog seriously because I do, it was just mostly recreation for me.
I'd LOVE to find out how I could gain an income from attending fetes and giving tips and tricks for the soca season and carnival on a whole. If you have an idea lemme know ;)
Congrats to all the winners last night, it was a fun experience meeting other bloggers and seeing the passion in Jamaica for blogging. This was the third instalment of the Blog Awards and much is still needed to be done to improve the awards process and ceremony itself. This was my first time attending so I have nothing really to compare it to but from pictures of the last hosting I at least expected a stage, lighting and more than 20 chairs to be at the new venue. After the difficult process of securing tickets for the ceremony I just walked into the venue to stand for the entire ceremony? Really? I was sorry for all the ladies in their towering heels :(
It was a pleasant surprise to be nominated for a blog award in Jamaica with a 100% soca blog. It was a pleasant surprise with less than a year under my blogging belt :$. Thanks again for the nomination and the votes I'll be here with as much fete reviews and even more tips and tricks this year.
Soca Calendar 2013 coming up soon! There's A LOT this year *wipes sweat* If you want your event listed message me on Facebook Reeny Bacchanal or tweet me @ReenyStar need to make sure I have em all :)
Thursday, 10 January 2013
Bacchanal 2013 Budget
So last year on the way home from a fete with my brother sorting out which Carnival week fetes we were going to attend, we started to think about exactly how much money we were spending on Carnival each week. I think we came up with approx 100k each, I don't remember if that included gas and food money but we'll see exactly how much it costs this year.
There are 6 weeks of Bacchanal Fridays....Opening Night and performance nights are always more expensive. If my memory serves me right its usually 3 performance nights but Bacchanal is changing it up this year so I'll just estimate that each night costs $1500 and $1000 for food and drink and closing night will be $2000
Bacchanal Fridays - $( (1500+1000) x 5) + 2000 = $14500
So last year after each (only went like 4 in all) Bacchanal Friday I would go to Islandmas Jamaica Soca Village this was $500 for entry. I'd spend approx $1000 on drinks and $500 on food, didn't buy food and drinks every night thought but I'll still calculate it. (This fete has not been confirmed as yet but I'm hopeful it will be held this year)
Soca Village - $( ($500+$1000+$500) x 6) = $12000
The last weekend of Bacchanal/Soca Village is UWI Carnival Weekend of Activities. Integration, Jouvert, Ring Road March and Beach Party. Integration is $100, Jouvert is $1200 pre and $1500 @ the gate (drinks inclusive), Ring Road is free and Beach Party is $800 pre-sold and $1000 @ the gate.
Ring Road bands comprise of t-shirt bands and costume bands. T-shirt bands are approximately $1500 for females and $2000 for males and costumes (usually female only) are approximately $4000, all drinks inclusive.
NB: If you jump with Islandmas entry to Soca Village that day is free so you save $500.
There was also a season band available for $1800 last year not including jumping with a band for Ring Road
UWI Carnival - $ (1800 + 1500) = $3300 - FEMALE T-SHIRT
$ (1800 + 4000) = $5800 - FEMALE COSTUME
$ (1800 + 2000) = $3800 - MALE T-SHIRT
Beach Jouvert was $4000 last year a big jump from $3000 in 2011 so to be safe I'm gonna put aside $4500 for Beach Jouvert. There were Party Buses available for $2000 last year and also a free one for those who entered a contest. If not you could always drive down and spend the weekend like I normally do but I will not get into that cost right now lol
Beach Jouvert - $ (4500 + 2000 + 1000) = $7500
* $1000 for food
Soca Republic offered a party bus inclusive of ticket, ride to and from and drinks which was approx $5500. Heard good reviews so this could be an option (Y)
Soca @ De Sandbar... transportation, food and drink costs. Should be rolling with a crew so food, liquor and drink costs should be split but knowing the people I par with...
Soca @ De Sandbar $5000
Bacchanal Jouvert was $2000 last year and you had to buy drinks and food. Doubt it will be so cheap again this year though..
Bacchanal Jouvert $ (3000 + 1000) = $4000
Road March is free. Yes, FREE. Without costume. Lol. But if you jumping in costume that's about US$265 for females and US$245 for males. Plus accessories, boots and maybe even a Frontline upgrade.
Here comes the tricky part....the "other fetes"
I Love Soca - April 3rd
Soca vs Dancehall - March 9th
Sunrise Breakfast Fete - April 6th
...and the rest
I usually pick a few of these fetes to attend outside of the regular fetes. It's kinda hard to find time to go to all of these, I am still a student after all.
So I'm not going to calculate the total amount I'll do that after I've spent, too depressing right now :(
36 Days to Opening Night! :D
BTW this here Soca/Carnival/Bacchanal loving blog was voted as the The Best Entertainment Blog for the Jamaica Blog Awards! Such an honour :$ To vote click this link------> VOTE
There are 6 weeks of Bacchanal Fridays....Opening Night and performance nights are always more expensive. If my memory serves me right its usually 3 performance nights but Bacchanal is changing it up this year so I'll just estimate that each night costs $1500 and $1000 for food and drink and closing night will be $2000
Bacchanal Fridays - $( (1500+1000) x 5) + 2000 = $14500
So last year after each (only went like 4 in all) Bacchanal Friday I would go to Islandmas Jamaica Soca Village this was $500 for entry. I'd spend approx $1000 on drinks and $500 on food, didn't buy food and drinks every night thought but I'll still calculate it. (This fete has not been confirmed as yet but I'm hopeful it will be held this year)
Soca Village - $( ($500+$1000+$500) x 6) = $12000
The last weekend of Bacchanal/Soca Village is UWI Carnival Weekend of Activities. Integration, Jouvert, Ring Road March and Beach Party. Integration is $100, Jouvert is $1200 pre and $1500 @ the gate (drinks inclusive), Ring Road is free and Beach Party is $800 pre-sold and $1000 @ the gate.
Ring Road bands comprise of t-shirt bands and costume bands. T-shirt bands are approximately $1500 for females and $2000 for males and costumes (usually female only) are approximately $4000, all drinks inclusive.
NB: If you jump with Islandmas entry to Soca Village that day is free so you save $500.
There was also a season band available for $1800 last year not including jumping with a band for Ring Road
UWI Carnival - $ (1800 + 1500) = $3300 - FEMALE T-SHIRT
$ (1800 + 4000) = $5800 - FEMALE COSTUME
$ (1800 + 2000) = $3800 - MALE T-SHIRT
Beach Jouvert was $4000 last year a big jump from $3000 in 2011 so to be safe I'm gonna put aside $4500 for Beach Jouvert. There were Party Buses available for $2000 last year and also a free one for those who entered a contest. If not you could always drive down and spend the weekend like I normally do but I will not get into that cost right now lol
Beach Jouvert - $ (4500 + 2000 + 1000) = $7500
* $1000 for food
Soca Republic offered a party bus inclusive of ticket, ride to and from and drinks which was approx $5500. Heard good reviews so this could be an option (Y)
Soca @ De Sandbar... transportation, food and drink costs. Should be rolling with a crew so food, liquor and drink costs should be split but knowing the people I par with...
Soca @ De Sandbar $5000
Bacchanal Jouvert was $2000 last year and you had to buy drinks and food. Doubt it will be so cheap again this year though..
Bacchanal Jouvert $ (3000 + 1000) = $4000
Road March is free. Yes, FREE. Without costume. Lol. But if you jumping in costume that's about US$265 for females and US$245 for males. Plus accessories, boots and maybe even a Frontline upgrade.
Here comes the tricky part....the "other fetes"
I Love Soca - April 3rd
Soca vs Dancehall - March 9th
Sunrise Breakfast Fete - April 6th
...and the rest
I usually pick a few of these fetes to attend outside of the regular fetes. It's kinda hard to find time to go to all of these, I am still a student after all.
So I'm not going to calculate the total amount I'll do that after I've spent, too depressing right now :(
36 Days to Opening Night! :D
BTW this here Soca/Carnival/Bacchanal loving blog was voted as the The Best Entertainment Blog for the Jamaica Blog Awards! Such an honour :$ To vote click this link------> VOTE
Wednesday, 9 January 2013
Best Entertainment Blog??
Guys!!!! Guess what?! :)
I got nominated for BEST ENTERTAINMENT BLOG ! :O Shock of the year really lol
To vote for me click this link----> I'z a Bacchanalist
Simply stuff right? Yup!
Stay tuned for "Bacchanal 2013 Budget".....I'm taking a while cause its really depressing especially after watching TVJ's News Year in Review and the PM's Address to the Nation on Sunday but its almost finished (Y)
I got nominated for BEST ENTERTAINMENT BLOG ! :O Shock of the year really lol
Simply stuff right? Yup!
Stay tuned for "Bacchanal 2013 Budget".....I'm taking a while cause its really depressing especially after watching TVJ's News Year in Review and the PM's Address to the Nation on Sunday but its almost finished (Y)
Friday, 28 December 2012
I Love Soca, Boxing Day Review
I'm sure if there was anybody unsure of their love for soca before December 26th, 2012 they were reassured at this the second cooler fete edition of I Love Soca. SURE!
Hope Gardens!
BEST outdoor venue for a soca party! There's no dirt so ladies can wear their sandals and look cute, if the place gets wet the place isn't muddy and there's always a somewhere dry to go (Y). It's also the perfect size, not to small where you have no space for yourself and not too big where it takes you a 1/2 hour to get to the restroom and back, its just right (Y) and the decor was a very nice touch (Y)
[That's 3 thumps up so far]
Richie Ras, Dj Smoke & Selector Myles! Pure perfection (Y) (Y) (Y) From hits, to the "unknowns", to the past, present and future (2013) EVERYTHING was covered! The fact that I heard Wining Queen atleast twice for the night made me a very happy girl. (Y)
I did not realise i knew so many of Benjai's song tho.. Usually when you have performances at parties it usually breaks the vibes but Benjai's performnace fell into place very nicely. (Y) (Y)
So between the great venue, the great music, Benjai's performance, free shots by the I Love Soca ladies and a FAB bar staff (if i do say so myself :p) I Love Soca was a FANTABULOUS fete and prepared us all for the upcoming 2013 soca season. (Y) (Y)
Okay I have no thumbs left lol
Check out some tweets/posts AFTER the party (Who had time to do anything but party during?!)
Check out pix from Ishangophotos & Soca Vs Dancehall and stay tuned to LehWeGo for pix and vidz
Next I Love Soca is April 3rd! :D
I'm sure if there was anybody unsure of their love for soca before December 26th, 2012 they were reassured at this the second cooler fete edition of I Love Soca. SURE!
Hope Gardens!
![]() |
Photo courtesy of LehWeGo |
[That's 3 thumps up so far]
Richie Ras, Dj Smoke & Selector Myles! Pure perfection (Y) (Y) (Y) From hits, to the "unknowns", to the past, present and future (2013) EVERYTHING was covered! The fact that I heard Wining Queen atleast twice for the night made me a very happy girl. (Y)
I did not realise i knew so many of Benjai's song tho.. Usually when you have performances at parties it usually breaks the vibes but Benjai's performnace fell into place very nicely. (Y) (Y)
So between the great venue, the great music, Benjai's performance, free shots by the I Love Soca ladies and a FAB bar staff (if i do say so myself :p) I Love Soca was a FANTABULOUS fete and prepared us all for the upcoming 2013 soca season. (Y) (Y)
Okay I have no thumbs left lol
Check out some tweets/posts AFTER the party (Who had time to do anything but party during?!)
Check out pix from Ishangophotos & Soca Vs Dancehall and stay tuned to LehWeGo for pix and vidz
Next I Love Soca is April 3rd! :D
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